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Puppy Housebreaking Tips

If you just got a puppy, you know that housebreaking can be a nightmare! The puppy goes outside for 20 minutes, only to come back inside and relieve himself on your carpet (not the tile, because why would he choose the tile when he can go on the carpet...).

If you follow these fool-proof protocols and stick to a schedule, your puppy will be housebroken in no time!

Follow these guidelines for the best housebreaking results:

Housebreaking Protocols for Success

  1. Reserve a special space in the yard for your puppy to relieve himself. Stay within an 8-10 foot radius.

  2. Do not play with or praise the puppy while waiting for him to relieve. Silence is the best option here.

  3. Keep the puppy moving around the area with the leash. If he sits down or lays in the grass, gently tug on the leash and continue walking around. If he wants to sit down, pick him up and bring him back inside.

  4. Give your puppy five minutes to relieve himself. If he does not go within 5 minutes, bring him back inside for five minutes, and try again.

  5. While the puppy relieves himself, repeat the command: GET BUSY. Repeat the command in a neutral tone, not to startle the puppy or interrupt him. When he is finished, praise him. Do not give treats as a reward. Allow him to play in a different location in the yard.

  6. After a few weeks, you can begin introducing new locations for the puppy to relieve himself.

Do not allow the puppy to go outdoors and roam around on his own to relieve himself. Get into the habit of having his leash on and walking him around the small, designated area. You can allow him to play in a different area of the yard as a reward for relieving himself outside.

Closing Thoughts

If you follow a consistent schedule, confine your puppy to specific areas, supervise your puppy at all times, and create a predictable routine, housebreaking will be quick and painless. Stick with it for a couple of months. Then you can loosen the reigns. Comment below if you have questions, and good luck!

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